Illinois association of institutional research Bylaws

Click Here to download a PDF of our current Bylaws.


The name of this organization shall be the Illinois Association for Institutional Research, also referred to as IAIR.


 The purposes of the Association shall be to:

  l) promote Institutional Research in postsecondary education as a professional activity;

2)  disseminate information about the methods and content of Institutional Research;

3)  provide a forum in which Institutional researchers can discuss and seek assistance with their common problems and share research findings; and

4)  promote professional development of IAIR members.

The association shall be a not-for-profit entity.


Section 1. Membership is open to individuals who are engaged in research leading to the improved understanding, planning, and operation of postsecondary education and to individuals who are interested in the methodology and results of institutional research. The Association will act in a non-discriminatory manner and will comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action laws, orders, and regulations.

Section 2. Individuals may become members by payment of dues. Membership dues shall be determined by the Steering Committee subject to approval of the membership.

Section 3. The membership year shall begin at the start of each Annual Forum. Dues paid midyear shall not be pro-rated.

Section 4. Emeritus Membership may be granted to an individual by the Steering Committee in recognition of significant contributions by the individual following their official retirement from the profession. Emeritus members shall not pay dues. 


 Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 2. President. The President shall chair the Steering Committee and preside at the business meetings of the Association. The President shall represent the Association in relations with other professional and educational organizations such as the Mid-America Association for Institutional Research and Indiana Association for Institutional Research. The term of the President shall be three years; the first year as Vice President, the second year as President, and the third year as Past-President.

Section 3. Vice President. The primary responsibility of the Vice President is to learn the role of president to ensure a smooth transfer. The Vice President shall maintain the operating/planning calendar of the Steering Committee for the year. The Vice President shall take on the role and responsibilities of the President at meetings and other official Association functions in the absence of the President. Service as Vice President shall coincide with the first year of the three-year term as President.

Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Association and for the establishment and maintenance of appropriate records of all fiscal transactions. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing a budget to be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval and the annual fiscal report to be presented at the annual meeting for vote of acceptance. The Treasurer shall ensure that all expenditures are within the approved budget and have been properly incurred under the policies of the Association. By working with standing and ad hoc committees, the Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of dues and for maintaining the current membership roster. The term of the Treasurer shall be three years.

Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Steering Committee and of the annual and any special business meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a historical record of the official activities of the association. The Secretary shall maintain the official Bylaws for the Association.  The term of the Secretary shall be two years.


Section 1. Voting members of the Steering Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, immediate Past President, Associate Forum Chair, immediate Past Forum Chair, and the chairs of standing committees.

Section 2. Steering Committee Members’ full-time or principal work may not involve ownership, operation, or employment by an organization which supplies software and tools to the higher education industry.  Steering Committee Members may accept fees for making presentations, writing articles, teaching classes, or providing consulting advice on a part-time or occasional basis, provided such services are not provided to I-AIR itself.  Steering Committee Members engaged in such part-time activities may not advertise themselves or their services in any manner in I-AIR publications, or by giving presentations or displaying posters at I-AIR events which reflect their part-time work.  Steering Committee Members may not own, operate, or be employed by a for-profit organization, which is paid to do work for the corporation (I-AIR).

Section 3. The Steering Committee shall have full authority to act for and on behalf of the Association, except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for such duties as are required for the management of the affairs of the Association.

Section 4. Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be called by the President.

Section 5. A Standing Committee Chair, with the approval of the President, may appoint a proxy from their respective committee membership to attend a meeting of the Steering Committee and vote on behalf of the Chair if the Chair is unable to attend a meeting of the Steering Committee.


 Section 1. The annual business meeting of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the annual forum.

Section 2. Meetings of the Association shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order except when explicitly required to be otherwise by these Bylaws.

Section 3. The Steering Committee and all Standing Committees of more than one member shall convene a minimum of two times per fiscal year.


Section 1. Five Steering Committee members attending a meeting of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Electronic votes of the membership shall require 50 participants to achieve a quorum. Electronic votes not achieving a quorum shall be deferred to the Steering Committee for approval.


 Section 1. Standing Committees. There shall be at least six standing committees: Nominating, Forum, Membership, AIR Liaison, Newsletter, and Electronic Media.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall coordinate nominations of Officers, other elected positions, and Recognition Awards of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate Past President as Chair and three persons appointed and approved by the steering committee.

Section 3. The Forum Committee shall consist of the Forum Chair, Associate Forum Chair, and immediate Past Forum Chair with additional members from the membership as needed. The Forum Committee will be responsible for the design and management of the Annual Forum with the immediate Past Forum Chair providing assistance to the current Forum Chair and Associate Forum Chair as needed. The primary responsibility of the Associate Forum Chair is to learn the role of Forum Chair to ensure a smooth transfer as the Associate Forum Chair shall automatically become Chair of the Forum Committee one year after election. The term of Forum Chair shall be three years; the first as Associate Forum Chair, the second as Forum Chair and the third as Past Forum Chair.

Section 4. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for attracting members to the Association and encouraging local, state, and regional activities relevant to the purposes of the Association. The Chair shall recruit and recommend up to six members of this committee. The term of the Membership Committee Chair shall be two years.

Section 5. The one-person AIR Liaison Committee shall be responsible for serving as the official liaison between the IAIR Steering Committee and the Association for Institutional Research (AIR). The

AIR Liaison shall maintain membership in AIR and have previously served as an IAIR Officer. The term of the AIR Liaison shall be three years.

Section 6. The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for the design and distribution of the IAIR newsletter. The Newsletter Committee shall distribute a minimum of three editions per year. The Chair shall recruit and recommend up to four members of this committee. The Chair shall be referred to as the Senior Newsletter Editor and committee members shall be referred to as Associate Newsletter Editors. The term of the Newsletter Committee Chair shall be three years.

Section 7. The Electronic Media Committee shall be responsible for managing the IAIR website, social media accounts, listserv, and other electronic media applications. The Chair shall recruit and recommend up to three members of this committee. The Web Administrator of the Association shall serve as a member or chair of this committee. The term of the Electronic Media Committee Chair shall be three years.

Section 8. The President, with the approval of the Steering Committee, shall establish ad hoc committees as necessary to carry on special activities of the Association. The President shall recommend Chairs of ad hoc committees for approval by the Steering Committee. The Chair shall recruit and recommend members of this committee.


 Section 1. At least eight weeks prior to the annual business meeting, the Past President shall issue to the general membership a call for nominations for Officers, and Standing Committee Chairs. The Steering Committee shall approve the slate of nominations and distribute the approved slate to the membership at least one week prior to the annual business meeting.

Section 2. All individuals serving in an elected position must maintain membership in the Association for the duration of their term or their position will be considered vacated.

Section 3. All elected positions of this Association shall be filled by a majority vote of the membership present at the annual business meeting. In the event there is not an in-person annual meeting, the positions shall be filled by a majority vote online.

Section 3. The terms of all elected positions of this Association shall begin at the conclusion of the annual business meeting at which the election occurs and shall conclude based on the terms as defined herein.

 Section 4. Vacancy of any elected position or on any standing committee shall be filled by appointment of the Steering Committee for the unexpired term.

Section 5. The Steering Committee shall approve membership on all committees at least annually within seventy days following the Annual Business Meeting.

 Section 6. Individuals may only hold one elected position at a time unless otherwise authorized by the Steering Committee.

Section 7. Any individual serving the Association in an elected or appointed capacity, including all committee members, may be removed from their position for misconduct or dereliction of duties. Removal shall require a two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee. The President or a petition of ten members of the association may call for a vote of the Steering Committee to remove individuals from positions. Any willful act against these Bylaws shall be considered misconduct. Negligence of responsibilities or absences for an excessive period shall be considered dereliction of duties.


These Bylaws may be amended by approval of two-thirds of those members voting. A vote to amend may be taken at the annual business meeting or at any time by a distributed ballot, provided that the proposed amendments have been circulated to the entire membership not less than thirty days beforehand.

Amendments may be proposed by the Steering Committee or by petition of ten members of the Association. 


The fiscal year of the Association shall be December 1 to November 30. 


Upon the dissolution of the Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding sections of any future federal tax code.


Section 1. The Recognition Award Program. The Recognition Award Program shall consist of four categories; Service, Best Presentation, Management/Leadership, and Special Recognition. The awards will be made to individuals who, in the majority judgment of the Steering Committee, have made outstanding contributions to research, planning, and information-based management in higher education, to IAIR, or to both.

Section 2. The Service Recognition Award is awarded to a current or former IAIR member who has made significant contributions toward advancement of the purposes and goals of IAIR. The purpose of the award is to provide meaningful recognition of individual(s) who have actively provided service and leadership to the Association. The minimum selection criteria shall include: membership in IAIR for at least five years; active Association participation as a member of the Steering Committee or an IAIR standing committee; and professional contributions to IAIR by making formal presentations at the IAIR annual fall forum or contributing to the IAIR newsletter or other related publications.

Section 3. The Best Presentation Award is awarded to recognize the author(s)/ presenter(s) whose presentation at the IAIR Annual Forum is identified as exemplary by the membership. Persons who make formal presentations at the IAIR Annual Forum will be eligible for consideration for the Best Presentation Award for that year. Criteria used in the selection process shall include: significance of the subject matter, the extent to which current or emerging issues in higher education are addressed; presenter knowledge of the subject matter; session organization and delivery including the use of appropriate audio-visual materials and handouts. Additional relevant criteria may also be identified and used by the committee. The recipient shall be provided a monetary award of an amount determined by the Steering Committee to present their work at the immediately subsequent Association for Institutional (AIR) Research Forum.

Section 4. The Management/Leadership Recognition Award is awarded to an executive officer of an institution, political leader, or leader of another organization who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of research, planning, and information-based management in higher education. Generally the award will recognize efforts to advance these goals in Illinois and support Illinois higher education.

Section 5. The Special Recognition Award is awarded to the professional who has made an outstanding contribution to the goals and aims of research and planning in higher education or the application of research and planning to institutional decision making. Contributions of IAIR members to the broad field of institutional research and planning can be recognized with this award. The award can also recognize an individual who has made a significant contribution as a practitioner in the application of research and planning to institutional decision making.

Section 6. At least eight weeks prior to the annual business meeting, the Nominating Committee shall issue to the general membership a call for nominations for Recognition Awards. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominations to the Steering Committee for approval at least two weeks prior to the annual business meeting.

Section 7. The awards are made at the discretion of a majority of the Steering Committee and not necessarily on an annual or regular basis.

Section 8. Awards will be presented at either the IAIR annual forum (preferred), the IAIR meeting at the Association for Institutional Research Forum, or on other appropriate occasions, as determined by the Steering Committee.

Section 9. The majority decision of the Steering Committee regarding the selection of award recipients shall be final.


Regional, provincial, state or other interest groups whose purpose is to advance the practice of institutional research among their membership in ways consistent with the purposes of IAIR may be recognized as affiliates. IAIR will not be responsible for the financial affairs or independent activities of its affiliates. Requests for affiliation will be reviewed by the IAIR Steering Committee. The Committee will make a recommendation to the IAIR membership regarding the affiliation and put the request to a vote. A simple majority of those members voting in favor of the affiliation shall be required for an affiliation to become official.


No member shall participate in a vote on any manner in which the individual may have a conflict of interest.


Approved November 9, 2017

Amended November 19, 2021